Chesterfield Lumineers

Lumineers Chesterfield, MO

If you want to improve the appearance of your smile, call our Chesterfield dental office at (636) 777-7700. While here, we can examine your smile and provide you with more information about Lumineers. This is an excellent solution for addressing a variety of aesthetic issues and at Michael F. Grasso DDS we have found that our patients appreciate how convenient the procedure truly is.

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    What are Lumineers?

    Lumineers are a thin porcelain shell that have been designed to fit your teeth perfectly. Each Lumineer is bonded to the surface of one of your teeth, covering the visible areas of it. As a result, when you smile, all that you see are the Lumineers instead of your natural teeth.

    Lumineers as Restorations

    When you have stained, cracked, or chipped teeth, you need to decide whether you want to replace them or use Lumineers to restore them. At Michael F. Grasso DDS, we realize the many benefits of keeping your natural teeth intact and recommend that you select the restoration option whenever possible.

    Chesterfield Lumineers for Cosmetic Purposes

    Lumineers are one of the most popular solutions for replacing defective enamel. Lumineers, and the more well-known dental veneers, are used to replace enamel on teeth that have become stained or simply do not have the shine or the whiteness they once did. Lumineers, like the dental veneers, are an extremely thin strip of porcelain that is placed over your naturally occurring teeth. These ultra-thin strips of porcelain can augment your teeth and make them look like there is no damage, no stains, and that they are perfectly formed and shaped. For this reason, Lumineers can be used to –

    • Close gaps in between your teeth
    • Alter the shape and size of your teeth so that they are symmetrical
    • Cover dark stains
    • Make your teeth look uniform
    • Give you a bright and brilliant smile

    Lumineers vs. Dental Veneers

    Patients often ask us why they should choose Lumineers over the more common dental veneers. The answer to this question is relatively simple. When you have dental veneers placed, there's a need to scrape away a portion of your dental enamel to make way for the veneers. Essentially, what you are doing with dental veneers is removing the naturally occurring enamel so that they can lay flat without making your teeth appear overly large. The challenge with this process is that veneers permanently alter your teeth. Once the enamel is gone, you will always need a dental restoration in order to protect them. Simultaneously, this process can be incredibly uncomfortable and that discomfort can last for days. Also, it is important to note that the more naturally occurring enamel you have, the better it is for the overall longevity of your teeth. When you decide to use Lumineers, over the more commonly used dental veneers, you are choosing a solution that is less invasive and typically allows for your enamel to remain intact. The Lumineers are as thin as a contact lens and this allows them to be placed without requiring your natural teeth to be permanently altered. This makes the process of receiving Lumineers more comfortable, faster, and reversible. As a result, we have found that our Chesterfield, MO patients tend to prefer this option.

    Other Benefits of Chesterfield Lumineers

    Lumineers are unique in that they are approximately 0.2 millimeters and highly translucent. This allows them to replicate the natural appearance of a tooth. Another advantage to using Lumineers, is that they are durable and remain resilient, lasting in some cases over 20 years. This can be far longer than other dental restorations. Additionally, with Lumineers there are typically no shots or need to use the dental drill.

    The Process of Receiving Lumineers from Michael F. Grasso DDS

    Once you have decided to improve your smile with Lumineers, you will need to visit our office to discuss the procedure. The procedure to get your Lumineers consists of two visits to an authorized certified Lumineers dentist. The first visit is the initial consultation, during which impressions of both your upper and lower teeth will be taken along with measurements. This information is sent to the Lumineers laboratory along with photographs and other records that you can provide. They are created on-site using your specific measurements to ensure that they fit perfectly and look natural. Unlike traditional veneers, you will not need any shots since there is no requirement to drill and remove the enamel. Also, you will not have to wear unsightly acrylic temporaries. The first visit to our Chesterfield office is more consultative and getting the impression that we need in order to make sure that your Lumineers fit perfectly. Simultaneously, we will look at the color palette and other factors to make sure that once your Lumineers have been fitted and bonded into place, they look exactly the way you want them to. This final step will take place at your second, and final, appointment.

    Note: It is important to remember that your Lumineers will function exactly the way your naturally occurring teeth would. There are no dietary restrictions and as long as you continue to keep your teeth clean and healthy, they should last for years to come.

    Check out what others are saying about our Lumineers services on Yelp: Lumineers Chesterfield

    Lumineers are Reversible

    A benefit of Lumineers is that they are completely reversible because there is no grinding down of healthy tooth enamel, and in most cases, your natural teeth are still intact. However, once you have Lumineers it is highly unlikely that you're going to want to go back to your old teeth. If you are the kind of person who wants a beautiful smile, the Hollywood smile, then you need to consider Lumineers to replace your stained, damage, cracked, chipped or otherwise imperfect teeth. The process is quick, the results are stunning, and the convenience factor is the most important aspect when it comes to choosing Lumineers over alternative solutions.

    Schedule a Consultation

    To learn more about this amazing solution, call 636-777-7700 and schedule an appointment with our Chesterfield, MO dental office. We are confident that you will enjoy the many benefits offered by Lumineers and the fact that the procedure is far more comfortable than other cosmetic solutions. At Michael F. Grasso DDS, our goal is to give you a smile that you can be proud to show off, and this is one of our most popular ways of doing so.

    Definition of Cosmetic Dentistry Terminology
    Acrylic Temporary Veneers
    Acrylic temporary veneers are tooth-colored veneers that remain on the teeth for about 5 to 10 days or until the permanent veneers are ready for placement.
    Certified Lumineers Dentist
    A certified Lumineers dentist has the proper certification to direct the creation, placement and maintenance of Lumineers on the teeth.
    Cosmetic Dentistry
    Cosmetic dentistry is generally used to refer to any dental work that improves the appearance (though not necessarily the function) of a person’s teeth, gums and/or bite.
    Crown Lengthening
    Crown lengthening is a surgical procedure that increases the extent of a tooth structure for restorative or esthetic purposes.
    DenMat Lab
    DenMat Lab provides a variety of dental equipment from curing lights to finishing/polishing instruments and impression devices.
    Dental Crown
    A crown is an artificial tooth, usually consisting of porcelain, which covers the top of the implant to provide people with an aesthetically pleasing and fully-functional tooth.
    LumiSmile can help repair and restore gaps, stains or crooked teeth instead of having to live with these imperfections on a daily basis.
    Porcelain Veneers
    Porcelain veneers are thin pieces of tooth-colored porcelain that will cover the teeth in order to correct the teeth size, shape or shade.
    Tetracycline is an antibiotic that can cause permanent gray discoloration of teeth when people use it at a young age.
    Translucent Veneers
    Translucent veneers typically consist of porcelain and match the overall shade of the surrounding teeth for a natural appearance.

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